Wait your Turn and Choose

Louise Hallam
3 min readFeb 3, 2022

The world is starting to settle into it’s new rhythm and you are beginning to find yours.

There are a host of things to still figure out and you just need to find your place in the queue.

Be patient with what is being brought forth to you. Don’t try and jump in front or push other people out of the way. Wait your turn.

When the time is right you will be presented with your options, your choices. You get to choose how far you want to go and the path that you want to take.

Some will be easier than others. It’s up to you, think about what you will learn on the easy route. How much you will see, if there are no obstacles? Will you get there so quickly that you have learnt very little, seen no-one and hardly changed at all?

Does the harder path take you out of the known and into the unknown? Perhaps you notice a secret doorway and have the courage to open it. Perhaps as you have to struggle over rocks and fallen trees, you notice people along the way. They pick you up when you stumble. They offer you wise words and advice about the road ahead.

Perhaps you discover something that you had forgotten how to do. A gift from your ancestors. How to heal, how to listen, how to build community, how to light a fire, how to create peace and provide conflict resolution.

Because you have decided to take the slower path, you can see the beauty of the landscape around you. You plunge your hands into the freezing cold rivers and lakes, which makes you feel alive.

You pluck nuts and berries from the hedgerows and trees. You no longer feel hungry, but nourished.

You rest under the stars and feel the presence of your own star and ancestors all around you. Holding you, guiding you, supporting you.

You lay on the ground, resting your hands upon the earth. You feel the support of Gaia, Mother Earth as she wraps you in a blanket. She lets you know that you are grounded, loved and wrapped in her roots of protection.

You have no need for new things as everyone you meet has already started on the path. You exchange words and wisdom. You share a meal, a recipe and give them anything that you no longer need. They do the same. An exchange of gifts, of energy, of love, compassion and appreciation.

You hold in your heart all the love of your friends, companions, partners and family. There is no need to burden yourself with anxiety, worry, guilt, fear or jealousy. You have forgiven those that need your forgiveness, so you are light on this journey.

When it becomes dark, indeed it is your light that carries you forward, even if you do not know where you are going. When you cannot see and don’t know where you will end up.

When there is no destination, there is no fear that you will not make it. In the absence of fear there is love, peace and certainty. That you will be carried onwards even when you become weary and lose your strength and courage.

Which road will you choose? The time is now.

All channeled messages from my guides are published without alteration and are delivered as messages that you have been requested to hear. Their directness is intentional. Be aware of transformation, insight and direct action taken as a result!

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New powerful activation meditations now available.

Louise worked in a corporate world for 25 years. She experienced a spiritual awakening and was connected with her Native American guides who unlocked her true purpose and powerful healing tools. She is now globally helping those leaders and changemakers who are here to make a real difference to humanity. As a intuitive consultant, spiritual teacher, channel of ancient wisdom and storyteller. You can find out more about working with Louise at www.stillcalm.co.uk.



Louise Hallam

Intuitive Consultant, Spiritual Teacher, keeper of ancient wisdom, Native American storyteller, Author https://linktr.ee/LouiseHallam