The real reason you’re stressed

Louise Hallam
6 min readFeb 8, 2023

Today I realised that I’ve never actually shared this with you! It’s become so embedded in my understanding as wisdom that I guess I just assume that it’s obvious. Yet I know it’s not as I still see many people wanting to change jobs, working too hard and careering towards burnout, because they aren’t tacking the root cause of their stress.

I’ve also been given a nudge by my guides to makes things crystal clear. To say how it really it. Straight talking is now something that I’m buying into. It’s different for me, having been someone who has tended to tiptoe round things, being sensitive to others. It’s also pretty exhilarating and exciting to let my rebel self out. More about that later.

Balance is the key

Your optimal wellbeing is dependent on bringing your energy and emotions into balance to operate effectively, without stress and struggle, whatever you may be doing. To be mindful, soulful and purposeful. This can’t be stressed enough, excuse the pun! Just changing what you do, who you spend time with, what you spend time doing will only have a limited impact, if you’re still running the same programming.

If you don’t know who you are, how can you make decisions about what you are doing? Basing it on a perception of what you see, feel and are. You’re living a parallel life to the one that you deserve, hope for and are aligned with.

Stress is a constant prompt to you that somewhere you became someone different, you acted differently, you stopped expressing yourself, you conformed to fit it and became a shadow of who you are meant to be.

Continue in this way and the stress gets louder until you listen and take action or it takes you into a crisis point. Where you can then surrender to your higher self and start to rebuild from a place of peace, purpose and potential.

It’s no coincidence that people who have been made redundant, are fired, choose to leave toxic jobs and relationships end up on a path that they never would have taken otherwise. Their higher self is fed up of watching from the sidelines. It sends you in the direction you need to go. Look at Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney and Thomas Edison. All people that got fired before they did what they ended up being famous for.

Serenity, Security and Sustainability

From the balance that comes from mind, body and spirit comes the ability to sit in serenity, security and sustainability. The three attributes to success. This can only come through actively practicing the balance of your energy and emotions until all it requires to be in effectiveness is the smallest tweaks. It’s a constant cycle, of notice, acknowledge and action.

The side effects of this are that you are also able to connect to your passion, purpose and desire. You become clear on your intentions, goals and outcomes and can move towards them with greater clarity and certainty without the effort.

The current ways of working have been suffocating the ability to work with your natural energy cycles and rhythms and it requires radical changes to slow down the wheels that have been turning too fast for too long.

It is no longer sustainable living in this mad existence and you are suffering in the unmost of heart and spirit. The diseases of the mind have been spreading and have reached almost epidemic proportions. It is time to change, create change and be the change.

You are being asked to return to a sense of self, a sense of success, a sense of security, a sense of serenity. To retreat into nature, to connect to the earth, the animals, to jump, to run, to find the sun, the rain, the rocks, the mountains. To find life.

Stress and success

The business world that you operate in has become fixated on results. The energy of failure when you don’t achieve contaminates your effectiveness and creates a misplaced definition of success. I should be, I should have, I didn’t, I can’t, I did not.

See your success journey differently and you will see everything from a broader perspective and unleash your potential. Success can be the breath of life, laying in a warm bed, being kind to each other. Acknowledge your own and others contribution with positive praise, regard and reward. You are already successful.

Becoming present

To become present, in the power of the moment and understand the changes you must implement. Giving yourself the gift of optimal energy and efficiency, the gift of health and wellbeing, to have the feel good factor. To be present with your likes, dislikes and the change that you are experience for true transformation and transition. To transcend the mind to think exactly in the truth of who you are.

This deeper connection with yourself will make you become grounded, rooted in a solid foundation and become the natural energy that you give out becomes one of serenity, security and sustainability.

The Ego

To practise unconditional compassion, unconditional acceptance, unconditional care and nurture moves you away from your separation and fear. Allowing you to discover the beauty that dwells within that is finding your purpose.

To understand your perceptions, judgements, criticisms, past experiences, present experiences and pain begins to dissolve the illusions that these have created. To understand your emotional language and resonance created from your thoughts, feelings and assumptions.

You’re probably thinking that’s all lovely, but what do I about it? It can be a wonderful, fascinating journey of discovery and the likelihood is that you won’t want to do it alone. What you can do is start exploring what your connection to yourself looks like right now. The more you start to understand, the more you can start to weave your path towards the destiny and life that you deserve and who you came to be.

This can often give you the confidence, motivation and space to do the inner work that will finally set you free what has held you back for so long.

Ways to connect to the self

  1. Start a journal and start writing in it your thoughts about where you are in life right now and any triggers for stress that you become aware of. You might start to see patterns that point to programming or beliefs that are running.
  2. Make time to connect with nature and the outdoors. Disconnect from the digital world and connect with your inner world with the support of somewhere you can find stillness and silence.
  3. Be present as much as you can. If you find yourself going over old ground or projecting fear about the future then focus on what is around you, using all of your senses. Allow this to bring you into the present, which automatically feels calm and relieves anxiety and stress.
  4. Take up meditation or mindfulness. A practice of just 5 minutes a day can help to relieve stress. It is know to be effective and can be easily fitted into your daily routine. You can try this basic breathing exercise to get you started.
  5. Get to know yourself. Don’t be afraid to spend time in retreat, you don’t actually have to go on retreat. Rediscover what you like doing, what brings you joy and what you’ve outgrown but you’re still holding onto for old times sake.
  6. Start listening to your body and it’s needs. If you are having challenges with your wellbeing, then ask your body what it’s missing. The body is like a medicine bible and it has the knowledge to be able to tell you what it needs. You just have to ask.
  7. Put yourself first. Start prioritising your wellbeing. If there is something that is not working for you, take that brave step to move in a new direction. Toxic relationships, exhausting jobs, commitments that drain your energy. Give yourself permission to let them all go.

You can also check out my resource 10 ways to relieve stress

I am committed to helping people, just like you who want to use their sensitivity as their superpower and propel themselves towards their purpose. I am leading a sensitive rebel revolution! Where you can let your sensitivity thrive and your rebel speak up.

Here are the ways to connect with me and free resources to ignite your purpose, potential and prosperity.

Louise x



Louise Hallam

Intuitive Consultant, Spiritual Teacher, keeper of ancient wisdom, Native American storyteller, Author