Louise Hallam
4 min readJan 24, 2022


Happy New Year to you and I hope that you had an enjoyable break with time to reflect on the last year. It presented many challenges for us, but I do hope that you were also able to acknowledge the gifts of learning and opportunity that were shown to you along the way.

This blog includes an *activation that was downloaded for those leaders and changemakers who are ready to shine the light of those who are part of the change.

From experience and with the energy that I am honoured to share with you, this is a powerful message for all of you who are ready.

There is a calm that has descended upon the earth. You have come through the storm and the dust has started to settle. But the work is not over, indeed it has only just begun.

There of those of you who are now starting to see the light. You have shed the burdens of your past and you are ready to move forward without the baggage. Taking a new journey carrying only what you need. All that you need is contained within your heart, your mind, your spirit, your soul.

And so you commence this journey feeling much lighter, but feeling more vulnerable. For now people can se you and you have no option but to speak the truth. To be the authentic soul that you came to be. The bearer of glad tidings, for you have seen glimpses of what the future holds.

You hold a tiny piece of humanity in your hands and you must be gentle with it. You have been given the opportunity to shape the future into the brightest vision of this age.

The age of humanity, community and unity where you cradle the potential of all as though it were a child of your own.

You nurture those that have been neglected because they have not been seen or heard. You lift up those who have ground themselves into the ground, not believing in themselves.

You bring them into the light, so they can shine for all to see. For all humans have the potential to shine with gifts and talents, skills and healing modalities, the likes that have not been seen for hundreds of years.

And to unlock this potential is to unlock the alchemy and the magic of this age. The potions and ingredients to bring about unprecedented change. To go on living is this state of confusion, hatred, fear, stress and struggle that has been created would be madness.

Yet there are those of you who prefer to stay in the shadow of greed, of exhaustion, of burn-out, self-punishment, self hatred, self loathing and self sabotage.

Rather than feel, rather than see, rather than be. The spirit, the soul-led human who is here to be the change. You hold the spark in your hands, you hold the candle, you hold the ignition, which waits to be turned.

You can watch it with a sense of curiosity wondering if only I had the courage. Or you light the fuse and watch the flame light the hearts and minds of those that are ready. You are ready and the flame already burns within you.

*Activate the light within

Hold your hands out in front of you, palms up and together. See the creation of a new way to lead, a new way to develop self and others, a new dimension to operate from a sense of optimum wellbeing.

Feel the warmth that glows in the centre of this universe and connect with those that will stand with you. The centre of your palms glow as you connect with the light within and slowly release your intention to light those that you will lead now and in the future. Do this by separating your palms in front of you, before gradually lowering your arms back down to your sides.

You will know if this activation is for you and then you will be guided to your next steps forthwith.

Do not hesitate if you receive the calling, the future will not wait. It’s now or never.

All channeled messages from my guides are published without alteration and are delivered as messages that you have been requested to hear. Their directness is intentional. Be aware of transformation, insight and direct action taken as a result!

Find out about a Sensitive is a Super Power Insight Session

You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel for my weekly channelled message to guide and support you in the week ahead.



Louise Hallam

Intuitive Consultant, Spiritual Teacher, keeper of ancient wisdom, Native American storyteller, Author https://linktr.ee/LouiseHallam